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Travel quotes

I enjoyed these two quotes on travel.

"To travel is to discover what is wrong about other countries." Aldous Huxley (1894-1963).

Huxley's analysis of travel amuses me. Most of us go to other countries to admire their beauty, while Huxley goes to critique! I am sure it is impossible not to notice some negatives about every place you visit, but hopefully the beauty of other countries dominates in the memories.

"I never travel without my diary. One should always have something sensational to read." Oscar Wilde (1854-1900).

Like Wilde, I never travel without my diary. However, this is not because I find my own writing sensational :). I just love to catch moments to write down my impressions of what is going on at the time. I love the few pages I managed to write in Virginia, when I visited the USA. The friend I was travelling with thought it crazy, I think, that I would waste time writing in a diary. However, I am glad I did.

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