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2012 Book List


Great Expectations by Charles Dickens

Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

Stepping Heavenward by Elizabeth Prentiss

The Enchanted April by Elizabeth Von Arnim


Biography, Autobiography and History

How the Irish saved civilization: the untold story of Ireland's heroic role from the fall of Rome to the rise of medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill

One Human Family by Carl Wieland

Green Leaf in Drought by Isobel Kuhn

The Man with the Bird on his Head by John Rush and Abbe Anderson

Tomorrow You Die by Reona Peterson Joly

Team of rivals: the political genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin

Resilience by Anne Deveson 

Relationship With God, Theology, Church, Culture

Everyday Church by Tim Chester and Steve Timmis

The Cross of Christ by John Stott

The Valley of Vision: A collection of Puritan Prayers and Devotions

One Thousand Gifts byAnn Voskamp

God in the Dock by C. S. Lewis

Total Truth: Liberating Christianity from Its Cultural Captivity by Nancy Pearcey

Knowing God by J. I. Packer (audio)

Family and Home Life

Loving the Little Years by Rachel Jankovic

Standing on the Promises by Douglas Wilson

Your Child's Play by Arnold Arnold

The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson

Homemaking by J. R. Miller

Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay Clarkson

The Comforts of Home by Caroline Clifton-Mogg

Kitchen Design: A Visual Library by Tina Skinner

Other books I read . . .

In the Womb by Peter Tallack - the photography is incredible and most of the text is also OK but describes testing. No mention of termination.

Beginning Life: The marvellous journey from conception to birth by Geraldine Lux Flanagan uses more positive terms of the unborn child, and describes the wonder of it in greater detail. The pictures are lovely although not quite as incredible. This is a more recent book than her prior one "The First Nine Months of Life". 

Crafting With Kids would be worth borrowing again for older children. It is for ages 3 - 10 and most crafts would be 5 plus.

Ideas for next year . . .

Obtain recommendations for good South African biography, autobiography or history.

Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution by Natalie Bober
Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy by Eric Metaxis
Screwtape Letters
Prayer: Letters to Malcolm
The Two Sons by John McArthur
Randy Alcorn's book on eternity
A Call to Spiritual Reformation, by Don Carson


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