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I enjoyed Susan's recent post on Ecclesiastes, Meaning in life, although I notice that there are now lots of comments on it that I haven't read. Not everyone is in agreement with Susan's thoughts, it seems :). Oh well, I like them! Here is some of what she wrote:

What a different perspective is the one "above the sun" than the perspective below! Below, our toil seems fruitless, but above, everything we do is to God's glory. Wow. That really helps me put things in perspective, because right now I want to serve God by nurturing my own children and instructing them of God's love, but that's not where He's placed me right now! But that doesn't mean I can't glorify Him as I teach, tutor, babysit, or even as I iron clothes or scrub dishes - more so, in fact, since those are the tasks He has currently given for me to do. Ch. 9, v. 10 of Ecclesiastes says, Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might. If only I could faithfully carry out this verse always! That is the challenge to every Christian.

I have read Ecclesiastes several times, and I especially like the end of the book.

Susan has also provided us with some poetry on the topic, Joy under the sun.

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