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When I think about the beauty of sacrifice, this week's Carnival of Beauty topic, my mind automatically goes to Christ. His actions are the highest example sacrifice, and they produced the greatest results of any sacrifice in history. The fact that he took our punishment upon himself upon the cross means that we can have life. He was even separated from the presence of the Father, for us.

The second person I think of when I consider the beauty of sacrifice is my mother, and mothers generally. Growing up, I saw my mother sacrifice for us every day. At the time I may not have realised it, but now I look back upon those everyday memories and realise the sacrifice that was involved in what Mum did for us. Mum uncomplainingly served us meals, washed our clothes, kept a large garden, homeschooled, exercised hospitality, and cleaned our home. She put up with our complaints, even though we should have been grateful. We often failed to express gratitude, yet Mum continued to sacrifice. In this, she was like Christ. Our saviour never receives the praise he truly deserves, yet he continues to pour out his life for us.

In general, motherhood involves many sacrifices. I have never been pregnant, but I have seen many people experience this stage of life. It sure is a challenge! Many people experience more sickness and pain than they ever have in their lives before, and their bodies are never the same again! It is no wonder that in our modern society, where most people live for pursuing pleasure and avoiding pain, women increasingly choose to forego motherhood or limit it as much as they can. Childbirth is easier and safer than ever - yet many do not see that the pain it does cause is worth it.

Following pregnancy and childbirth, motherhood continues to present the necessity of many sacrifices. Sleepless nights, the mother-as-taxi syndrome, endless hugs and love, to name a few! Yet the beauty of these sacrificies is obvious to those of us who have wonderful mothers like mine, and even to many of those who do not. These sacrificies are worth it to raise up godly offspring, which is one of the purposes of marriage (Malachi 2:15). These sacrifices are worth it when the children finally do rise up and call their mother blessed, as the Proverbs 31 woman experienced. These sacrifices are worth it because life is about love and relationships, and God designed the relationship between parents and children to be one of the most important and fulfilling of these.

I could write more, but the Online Access Centre is about to close . . . this article has been written in only about 20 minutes, but I hope you still get something out of it!

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