Tis the Season to be Wedded . . .
>> Saturday, February 11, 2006 –
friends and hospitality,
I attended one wedding on 3 December, one on 14 January, and another on 4 February. It is wedding season again.
The last wedding I went to included a reception at the bride's parents' house near a beach. Guests were encouraged to bring mats or chairs and sit on the lawn.
The bride and groom.

Kerri and Yvonne enjoying the unusual event of warm water in Tasmania.

After last week's picture of Yvonne, it seemed a good idea to put up a "sensible" picture of her on my blog as well!
At the reception, about seven different ice cream flavours were available in either a cone or a cup. There was also sandwiches and fruit salad. It was fun to participate in this unusual reception. It seemed like a celebration of the personalities of the couple, as well as their life long committment to each other!