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Why blog?

The question "Why blog?" is one that I often consider. It is a pertinent question, since I often spend upwards of three hours every week writing or reading on blogs. I'd like to think I have good reasons to spend time doing this.

Sometimes when I consider my heart attitude with regard to blogging, I am ashamed at what I see. At times I am envious of others' site designs, numerous comments, many visitors, or engaging posts. I see a desire to advance myself, to get others to pay attention to me, to have others appreciate my writing. At the heart of all these ungodly, competetive ideas is the sin of selfish ambition. I've learnt to recognise and repent of these attitudes.

In spite of struggling with sin in regard to blogging at times, I keep on doing it! This is because the benefits outweigh the struggles. Here are some of the ways blogs can be used as a blessing.

Praise God. There are many things to praise God for, and blogs are one way to do it! I enjoy reading about others' answered prayers, or God's providential work in their lives.

Encourage Christians. I often find blogs an encouragement. I go away with fresh inspiration to live out God's ways that day. I hope my blog encourages others in turn.

Provide examples of Christianity lived out in every day life. I find it helpful to read about others' experiences of living for Christ. I realise I don't really "know" most of the people I read about on blogs, but I still feel like it is helpful to see how they are relating God's truth to their lives.

Develop friendships. Blogs can be a way to communicate with old friends and develop new ones. Since beginning my blog, I have enjoyed meeting some people who seem like "internet friends"!

Challenge and equip Christians. I enjoy reading different perspectives on how we should live or what we should believe as Christians. It is helpful to be challenged through reading and discussing perspectives that are not common amongst the people I meet in "real" life. Partly adopting some of these perspectives has made me weirder than ever, but not to worry!

Learn about other countries. The geography and customs of other countries often become more fascinating when you have contact with people who live in those places.

Have fun! As Proverbs says, a merry heart does good like a medicine! I find blogs fun, and that is a very important reason why I keep on blogging!

I'm sure there are more reasons why blogs can be good. Perhaps you have some you can share! Please write your perspectives in the comments section.

Blogs are only helpful if they are kept in their proper place in life. Some people become too involved, at the expense of more important pursuits. I have to watch this all the time in my life. This is one reason why I try to post only two to four times a week.

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