Which one? I want your vote!
In April my brother, sister-in-law, and nephews visited from Queensland for a wedding. I had some photos taken with my eldest nephew. Recently I had the idea of getting a picture of myself with each neice and nephew blown up and framed. I have my own opinion of which of the following pictures would be best, but I'd also like yours! Nephew is all dressed up to be page boy in the wedding.
Here are the options:
1. Nephew looks distracted, but cute. My earrings look big (as they do in all the other pictures, so don't make that the deciding factor!)
2. My favourite. Nephew looks like the strong, serious type - or tired and stunned, depending upon your perspective! I like the way we are positioned in this photo.3. Nephew is smiling a bit in this picture - which is a big positive! However, I don't think the our positions in the picture are as good as in number 2.
4. None of the above. Those earrings are just too big. Do another photo shoot next time you see him. (My reply: "What! He'll never be dressed in such a cute way again!")
5. None of the above. It is phenomenally egotistical of you to want a framed picture of yourself with each of the little ones. (My reply: "maybe, but I want to do it anyway".)