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Look to Christ

The discussion in the comments section of my Songs post reminded me of Oswald Chambers’s comments on Isaiah 45:22 “Look to me and be saved”. Chambers wrote:

“The very thing we look for we shall find if we will concentrate on Him . . . The difficulties and trials – the casting about in our minds as to what we shall do this summer, or tomorrow, all vanish when we look to God.”

“No matter if there are a hundred and one things that press, resolutely exclude them all and look to Him.”

I find this so easy to forget! I get caught up thinking about how I am going to pay for my new mattress for my back and save to do further education next year and . . . I get worried thinking about what to do in terms of work, or how I will get through this year in my job without having to give it up due to pain. There are countles things that come to mind and seem difficult to solve.

Yet when I remember the truth that Chambers has eloquently expressed, and apply it, I rediscover its truth in my own experience. Those "a hundred and one things" do become smaller in my mind as I look to God. Focusing on who he is imparts faith that since he is so great, he is able to handle the details of my life.

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