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Internet encouragement

Over the past few weeks I have come across several blog posts that I'd like to recommend. Some of them I'd like to write more about, but if I wait until I have time to do that I may never do so!

Firstly, over at Mountain Musings back in February, Tom wrote an excellent post about honouring parents. He has listed many Scriptures. I find Ephesians 6:1-3 especially important. In the New Testament, as well as the Old, we are told that it will be well with us if we honour our parents.

At The Sower's Corner, there is an excellent post on hospitality. I would love to post about this topic myself sometime, as God has spoken to my heart a lot about it in the past couple of years. Karen has read two of the same books that have influenced me.

At Mountain Musings there is also a good post on friendship, and I appreciated the last quote Deb gave:

"A friend is one to whom we may pour out the contents of our hearts, chaff and grain together, knowing that the gentlest of hands will sift it, keep what is worth keeping, and with a breath of kindness, blow the rest away." ~Arabian proverb

How we all need that kind of grace!

A post I read today, titled Let's Talk About the Weather, also reminds me to be gracious. As Carmon says: "How often do we draw sweeping conclusions about people based on cursory data points? Noting some niggling inconsistencies, or even eccentricities, in others, isn’t it easy to see their faults and determine the protocol for their personal improvement? Too easy. It’s much harder—and not nearly as fun—to look at the bigger picture, to pray for that person, or even to mind your own business."

This brings to mind something Roy Blount Jr. said about Robert E. Lee in his biography of the leader. Blount is critical of Lee in many respects, yet he notes that Lee was "Forbearing toward others, hard on himself." I hope to have the same attitude Lee had.

Finally, I recommend Scott Brown's post on the importance of expository preaching and the reasons shallow preaching is harmful. I am grateful for the preaching at my church, especially when I visit other churches where expository preaching is not strongly valued.

Now I had best head off to bed. I still have not decided who to vote for, or if the ballot box will get the blank sheet treatment. Travelling through three electorates on my way back home from Launceston today did not help - so many posters of candidates! One of the funnier spectacles of this week was a noted politician standing at a round about wearing a t-shirt with his own name and picture on it, holding a placard about himself, with several people around him also waving placards about him. Ah, what would life be without politics. No wonder I did a whole Bachelor of Arts majoring in this silliness.

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