Better than anything
>> Thursday, March 16, 2006 –
joy and contentment
For wisdom is better than rubies,
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her.
Proverbs 8:11
This morning on the way to work I was thinking about all the things I desire. An Internet connection at home that will actually connect when you ask it to, instead of sending messages to say "Could not connect" over and over again. A good husband. More money to invest, give away, go to the dentist with, or spend on fun things. Kids. Godly government. My own house some day. A long trip to the USA, so I can see it in autumn, winter, and spring! More enrolements here at school. The salvation of my father, and of friends who are no longer close because our hearts are so far apart. A small NKJV Bible to carry everywhere. More patience. A watch. More and more books. Music CDs.
I won't bore you with telling you "all the things" I desire! (And, no the things listed above are not in order of least to greatest!). I am sure you all have your own things that spring to mind when you read this verse. Wisdom from God's Word can help us gain some things we desire (for example, in explaining money management principles or what type of guy would make a good husband). Yet it is not to be valued for its ends. It is to be valued for its own sake. Wisdom is delightful and precious in itself.
It is amazing to think that anything you can set your heart on is nothing compared to wisdom. It is fine to ask God for all the things that are on our hearts, even things that seem small. Yet it is also important to pray for what God says is important: wisdom. To focus our hearts, and spend our time, upon delighting in the incomparable riches of wisdom.