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O Lord, I know the way of man is not in himself,
It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps
Jeremiah 10:23

I was meditating on this wonderful scripture on the drive to work this morning. I am so grateful to God that he does not leave us to ourselves. If the way of man was in himself, all would be hopeless. What is there in me that could determine my course well? I can seek God, I can apply Biblical principles, and I can obey God's commands. Yet still I bumble and fumble along, hardly seeing what is ahead. God's grace is enourmous in not leaving me to myself. What a comfort it is to know that he directs my steps. Sometimes his plans seem less than what I would have wanted, less than what I had planned in my heart. Yet as they unfold I can accept these departures from my desires. He is directing them and he knows best. It is comforting to know that no matter what my decisions are, he can and does over rule them to bring about his desires. I am directed.

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