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iSonto #15

Elnathan was thrilled with his new stack-a-peg, but he had to deal with some serious competition.

Natey's memory verse was still Psalm 23.

Mercy was adorable while eating spinach or silverbeet (swiss chard). We have lots of both. She likes it steamed warm or cold, chopped for her to pick up and shovel into her mouth!

From garden to tummies
. . .

Our last two mini-cauliflowers were delicious with white sauce. The children love cauliflower, and so do we.

A book we enjoyed together was Streaky to the Rescue: A Tasmanian Story by Joanna Stronach. This library book was read and re-read this week! It is the story of a fairy penguin who, with the aid of a dog, alerts a man to rescue two boys who are holding onto their capsized boat for dear life.

Encouragement, ideas and inspiration came from Teaching Our Girls to Cry . . . about the right things, the things that grieve God as well. It is a comfort to know that it is OK, even right, to cry over things like oppression, injustice, apathy and death.

We are thankful for. . .

* fewer disturbed nights as some teeth have emerged
* savings in the bank and no debts as we face employment uncertainty
* the promises of God, which we need to learn to hold onto better
* a new favourite song, "Shoot Him up an Arrow Prayer"
* the fact that our children are continually excited about each other!
* I am thankful for a new daily plan that schedules in time to research education. Even 15 minutes a day can be inspiring and allows me to plan little "lessons". 

Isonto is a Zulu word for both week and Sunday, so Dave suggested it as the title of this little update I plan (God willing) to put out each Sunday.
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Faith  – (October 31, 2011 at 8:24 AM)  

it sounds like your children are growing and learning (and eating!!) very well....and that you are thoroughly enjoying being a mommy! there is absolutely nothing like it!! Treasure each moment..they grow so fast! (can you tell i'm missing my college girl tonite??) :)

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