iSonto #14
Elnathan was cute in his summer bananas in pajamas! Nate has moved bedrooms this week. He is pictured in his old room, which is now Mercy's room. We kept thinking they were going to go in together, but we will have to wait on that as Mercy keeps crying a lot at night. Right now she will be better off in the darker, quieter room especially for naps.
Mercy was happy to play with the hose and get very wet as well as dirty.
Mercy also loved to try to stand.
From garden to tummies . . .
It was fun to try out lemon puddings from Heidi's blog. We halved the recipe and used one of our lovely fresh lemons.
A book we enjoyed together was "Eating" by Gwenyth Swain. This book is full of pictures of people from across the world eating and preparing food. We have also loved "Celebrating" in the same series.
Encouragement, ideas and inspiration came from Proverbs 31: 8 "Open your mouth for the speechless, In the cause of all who are appointed to die."
We are thankful for the lovely sunny weather that allowed us to start Nate on some outdoor nappy free time, helping him learn about the potty.
We have also been loving water fun in the clam.

Dave surprised me by creating a fun slide for the children out of some plastic we had, and the water from the hose. What a fun daddy they have!
Isonto is a Zulu word for both week and Sunday, so Dave suggested it as the title of this little update I plan (God willing) to put out each Sunday.