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Saturday's Backyard Bounty: Fresh Corn on the Cob

Fresh corn on the cob has been the highlight of our garden bounty in the past week. There is nothing like fresh corn! It is not easy to grow corn successfully. In the midst of trying to give it enough fertiliser and water to be productive we sometimes wonder if we should give it a miss next year. Then we get our first cobs and we know that we have to try again! Our most common way of preparing corn is to steam it and eat it with a little butter. Tonight, though, Dave baked it in his Weber (a coal fired BBQ). He put butter, salt and pepper onto the cobs and wrapped them in foil. Wow! This is the most delicious way we have found to prepare corn on the cob. All our other vegetables for dinner were also from the garden excepting the onions: potatoes, carrot, patty pan squash, and garlic. This week we have also loved having an abundance of fresh tomatoes to eat in toasted sandwiches, fry for breakfast, and add to salads and sauces.

This week we planted cauliflower seedlings.

As I've walked through the garden this week I have been thinking about a couple of Scriptures. Firstly, God says that when the gospel (the good news of Jesus' death and resurrection to take the punishment for our sins and give us eternal life) is planted, He must make it grow. So it is with our plants - God makes them grow, we can only plant and water but God is in control. My failed cauliflower seeds make me think of this truth that applies both spiritually and physically. Secondly, there is a time for everything . . .a time to plant, and a time to reap. Now is our season of "planting" our family, a busy season where we have to concentrate on the essentials and cannot do all that we would like.

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Faith  – (March 6, 2011 at 3:01 AM)  

I love how the Lord showed you the analogy in the spiritual and physical aspects of "gardening". True all over there are reaping a harvest of fresh veggies and we all over here on the east coast of the USA are just starting to see the green grass poking up thru snow left on the ground....happy harvesting!!

Felicity –   – (March 6, 2011 at 9:10 PM)  

Thanks for the analogy between our life seasons and the seasons in the garden. I think I will keep coming back to the season for sowing and season for reaping in my life over the coming year. It's humbling when I want to do it all... and see results now to know God is the one makes things grow :-)

Cheryl  – (March 18, 2011 at 8:48 PM)  

We grow sweetcorn every year. Would not skip a year. Nothing beats homegrown sweetcorn, steamed and on the plate within 10 minutes of picking. My children are very unimpressed by restaurant sweetcorn. Definitely worth the extra fertiliser.

Thanks for visiting my blog. I'll be back to enjoy reading about your harvesting.

Sherrin  – (March 19, 2011 at 9:28 AM)  

I loved visiting your blog, Cheryl! Thanks for sharing the way you enjoy sweetcorn as well!

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