Wedding plans
Dave and I completed and sent out many invitations to interstate and international guests a couple of weeks ago. You know you're marrying a good man when he will assist you with tying bows and putting in split pins! A couple of friends also helped us one night. This was a lot of fun, and made the work seem like a little party!
We invited our guests to come to this little country church . . .and then to this homey venue for afternoon tea . . .
It all seems so simple when I post it like this, but it has actually involved months of research and difficult decisions! I am grateful that the venues are now decided upon and the invitations have begun to arrive at their destinations!
ooh your invite looks cute :).
also, in case your american friends read "homey" and are confused, "homey" in australia translates to "homely" in america. :)
your invitations are beautiful!
Nice one. Looking good! :)
Thanks for being the USA-Australia go-between person, Natasha!
Thanks to all of you for your encouraging comments :).
It's Christine day today... Happy Christine day.
Having afternoon tea for the reception sounds nice.Will there be many people there?
I did have a good Christine day, thanks Mike, and followed your link to Nancy's site.
I am not sure exactly how many people will be at our reception, Robert. We are aiming for about 80, but it could be 70 or 90. We don't want to have too many because we want to mingle with people and have some at least semi-meaningful conversations! The fact that we want to mingle with people is one reason why we chose an afternoon tea reception. We will have more of a chance to walk around and talk.