God's Providence in 2005
I am planning a series of posts on God's providence to me in 2005. I recognise and celebrate many things God sovereignly brought into my life during that time. I enjoyed my best year since 1999, when I was injured in a car accident.
I appreciated a Vision Forum email newsletter that encouraged readers to think on and document God’s providence to us this year. Anyone who has read much about Doug Phillips, Vision Forum’s President, will know he believes this is important. He named his seventh child Providence. The newsletter he wrote is also on his blog, and can be read here.
I'd firstly like to mention God's providence to me in his gift of a family. My nephews, brother, and sister-in-law are visiting for two weeks. It has been fun to watch Esther becoming acquainted with her cousins. Here are Esther and nephew No. 1 watching a catipillar.During 2005, God's providence to me with regard to family included:
* My second nephew's birth.
* Learning that a new niece or nephew is due in June. I rejoice in welcoming new personalities to love!
* Seeing my brother and sister pray with their children.
* Visiting my nephews for two weeks.
* Two loving parents who always try to help me, and have done more for me than anyone else!
* Esther living close to us. Babysitting Esther and rejoicing as I watch her develop new skills.
* Having my sister (Esther's Mum) nearby and doing scrapbooking with her.
* Visiting different parts of Australia where I met up with aunts, uncles and cousins I had not seen for many years. I do not remember meeting my cousin Nigel Flowers before, and it was fun to visit his house for dinner.
* Seeing various family members learn more about God and apply His word.
God has placed each one of us in our particular family, with all its strengths and weaknesses, to accomplish his purposes in us. We should not disregard this. Instead, we should praise God and plead with Him on their behalf. We can have an impact, for good or evil, for eternity. One of most important keys to producing what is good is to pray for a humble heart that is ready to change, and submit to others. I know I need that!