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Big city, small Sherrin

This is the largest city I have ever travelled in alone. It sure is an experience! Even catching the train at peak hour from my aunt's house on the North Shore seems a little daunting. So many people!

I look at the sky scrapers and think do people really live in those things! Where is all the grass! I saw one high window of an apartment building with scraggly bushes growing from the top that said "One Way: Jesus". At least there are some familiar ideas here, even if the landscape is entirely different :). I also saw someone in a train reading the Bible.

I have been temporarily lost while trying to get from A to B in the city, but having a map helps :). It is exciting to so many new things.

The staff here at New South Wales Right to Life are good to me, and help me a lot. My aunt and uncle are also generous and helpful people. They are away for a few days until Sunday, but I'll continue staying at their house.

On Saturday I hope to spend the day exploring some of Sydney's sights.

On Sunday I want to go to church, but it is always a bit hard to choose a church when you are in a new place. On the Sunday I arrived (15th) my aunt took me to her church - Hillsong. It was interesting to make my first visit to this famous church.

Please pray for me as I take in all the new things God has for me here.

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