When Two become One
On the weekend I had the honour of attending the wedding of some good friends, Jonathan and Evelina. I get very excited about weddings! When I attend one like this, I think "why would anyone settle for shacking up when they could have this!". Tragically in our culture many people have not even been to a wedding, because less people are marrying. Events like this wedding remind all who attend that God's ways are best. We can have a hopeful vision, and be inspired about all that He intends to do through the marriage committment that he has commanded.Evelina had a beautiful dress with a train. I love wedding dresses with trains. The only problem is that it rained heavily all day, and trains can be a little inconvenient in those circumstances! Not to worry - it looked amazing!
The minister said that Jonathan and Evelina had thought and prayed more than any other couple he had counselled, in considering how to honour God in their lives together. What a compliment! His counsel to them was based on Ps. 37, the first Psalm I tried to memorize.
Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity,
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
And wither like the green herb
Trust in the LORD and do good,
Dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness,
Delight yourself also in the LORD,
And he shall give you the desires of your heart.
When I began memorizing it in November last year, I didn't quite register that it was a very long Psalm to do as my first one! It has been wonderful to meditate on the 40 verses, even though I can't remember how they all string together.
It was exciting to hear this Psalm read and spoken on - but most exciting to see Jonathan and Evelina declared husband and wife! I am looking forward to seeing what God will do through them as a couple.

I first came to know Evelina through youth group and Girls Brigade when we were teens. I renewed my friendship with her after many years, when we both visited the Downes' to listen to tapes on theology and discuss God's ways. It was a long drive to Downes', and I got a lift with Jono and Ev. We had plenty of time to discuss all kinds of things during those trips, and it was both edifying and thought provoking. A big thanks to the Downes' for hosting us, and always being so willing to lend out their excellent books, CDs, and magazines.
I will end with a quote from Jennie Chancey about the movie Pride and Prejudice. This quote reminded and inspired me about the realities of what God intends for marriage.
"A marriage modeled on Christ and His Church is truly a piece of heaven. It's a shame that Hollywood sees it as a fantasy from another age. It's amazing that they don't understand that such a story would never make sense set in our times, when fornication is pretty much the rule--and when a girl's "patched-up marriage" would never be considered a scandal or even raise an eyebrow (in fact, today anyone would wonder why she needed to bother getting married at all--why not just shack up?). These filmmakers are looking back upon a culture steeped in Christianity (not perfect, of course), and they feel compelled to make constant apologies for the "restrictions" and "dour morals" of the time--little realizing that those boundaries and beliefs are the very things which give birth to a Mr. Darcy willing to work and wait for his bride and to a Lizzy whose own integrity and purity are the very guarantors of her lifelong happiness as Mrs. Darcy . . . It may look like fantasy on film, but I am here to tell you that it is as real as my husband's warm glance across a busy room and the touch of his hand when he helps me into the car or guides me through a crowded street."