Simple Little Pleasures
I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything very splendid or wonderful happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures following one another softly like pearls slipping off a string. L. M. Montgomery.
Last week it was lovely to stay home a lot of the time. School is finished for the year, and one of the usual church meetings is not on this month, so there were fewer reasons to go out. I love to stay at home and get more exercise done, help around the house, look at my flowers in the garden and plant a few, read, learn the Bible, pray, and so much more! I rarely get to spend more than one whole day at home in a week.There are so many simple little pleasures to take joy in at home. The bird songs outside my window, clean dishes, a recipe that works out, music playing, the trees waving against the blue sky, a seed coming up, the sound of Esther's excited laughter, a quote or Bible verse that inspires me, the taste of a fresh strawberry, a sunset, or even Mum's neat rows of vegetables. When I came to know my Heavenly Father's love several years ago, it was like I could have joy in the beauty of life in a new way. My heart had been shuttered not only from His love, but also from the wonder of what he has given us.
It has also been good to stay home more to recover from my busy weekend on 10 - 11 Dec. I babysat Friday night and Saturday, had to do lots of preparation for my Christmas party, held my Christmas party on Sunday, and went to church. After that I let myself begin a novel, something I rarely do! I am re-reading Anne of Ingleside. I want to put pictures of my party on my blog, but I'm having problems importing photos to my computer. It was both fun and a good spiritual time.