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God's Mercy to Me

It was only about two years ago when I first considered that the difficulties God had brought into my life could be his mercy to me. Yet the more I think about it, the more I do believe that. God sends us suffering in his mercy. This is real to me in relation to my ongoing back pain from a crushed vertebra in my spine. I was injured in a car accident six and a half years ago, and this injury still causes me a great deal of trouble. Yet when I look at where my life was headed before my injury, I can see his merciful hand in bringing me this. I was ignoring God, disobeying my parents, and involved in various dangerous and sinful behaviours. Could God have got my attention in another way if he wanted to? Of course. He is, after all, the God who says of himself in Isaiah 45:7:

I make peace and create calamity;
I the LORD do all these things.

God has infinite choices, and infinite control. If he thinks lying me flat on my back for months and following that with severe pain for years on end, possibly for the rest of my life, is the best way to sancrify me, that is his goodness to me. He could heal me tomorrow, or in a moment. I pray he will. Yet if he refuses, that is his mercy.

Now if anyone had said this to me early on in my Christian life, shortly after my accident when I gave my life to the Lord, I would have been mad! I am not advocating that you bluntly tell suffering people this truth, especially if you have not suffered much yourself. However, you can begin to embrace this truth in your own life. Even if your difficulties are only small, it helps to look for the mercy of God in sending them to you.

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