Naming our baby girl
Mercy - We chose this name because of the great mercy God has shown us. God has not only provided a way of salvation through Jesus Christ, he has also mercifully given us two children even though we had such little faith in Him for this at times. We hope that our little girl will grow to love God's mercy, and to show mercy to those who are poor, orphaned, or in need of the gospel.
Joy - Dave wanted a short second name that flowed on from the first name. We often call her Mercy Joy, although we chose not to hyphenate it. God has given us such joy through the gift of this child! From the moment I thought I might be pregnant, God gave me joy. Dave was also joyful when I told him the news. May our baby girl bring joy to many throughout her life.
Lorraine - God brought my mother Lorraine into relationship with Him in young adulthood. Most of Mum's family are not Christians. God has preserved Mum's faith through many trials and changes. Her faith has been the means through which God has revealed His mercy to me. I had often thought of calling our baby Lorraine, but we were not keen on three names. Then about a month before she was due I felt like God was speaking to my heart that adding this name would provide her with a reminder of what God has done for our family. I prayed that if this was from God, Dave would immediately agree. He did!
We hope that God will continue the work he has started in bringing Mum to faith in Him, through extending His mercy to many generations. We remember Exodus 20: 5 - 6 For I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
A few days ago I realised how applicable Psalm 90: 14 is to our the name of our baby girl:
Oh, satisfy us early with Your mercy,
That we may rejoice and be glad all our
This has become my prayer for Mercy Joy.