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20 weeks of pregnancy

I am a bit behind in posting pictures. We are now at nearly 22 weeks of pregnancy! This picture was taken at 20 weeks heading in for our ultrasound. Many people don't realise that one of the main purposes of the 20 week ultrasound is to diagnose disabilities so that abortion can be offered before 24 weeks. Read Defiant Birth for an eye opener about the way the Australian medical system points women toward abortion. This intention is the reason why I chose not to have an ultrasound at this stage during my last pregnancy. Apparently they don't offer fetal surgery in Australia, so diagnosing disability does not benefit the baby. However, this time I wanted to check the position of the placenta. As a bonus we found out that we can expect a healthy girl!

In our garden that weekend, also at 20 weeks of pregnancy. We are very grateful that we've had a trouble-free pregnancy so far. I have almost nothing to complain of, not even tiredness! Wow! 

Susan  – (July 5, 2010 at 10:46 PM)  

Congratulations on a girl :-). Fun to be expecting girls together!

Jo McDougall –   – (July 6, 2010 at 8:32 AM)  

Wonderful! I am so glad she's healthy. I hear you about the ultrasounds. I have had ultrasounds whenever they were offered mainly because they can pick up major diabilities and contitions and I figured it would give me a headstart in my reading up if God were to send me a baby that required some special knowledge from me. I thank God that this never happened, but I also thank Him for his Providence in modern medicine and considered myself blessed that I had access to this technology anyway.

Sherrin  – (July 6, 2010 at 9:23 AM)  

Hello Susan, I look forward to hearing about your little lady's birth!

Yes Jo, that is a great way to look at it. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Faith  – (July 6, 2010 at 10:06 AM)  

So glad your 2nd pregnancy is going well.
I had just one ultrasound for my oldest child but had to have several after my first one with our 2nd fears of disabilities, etc (and i was 38!!) but rather, because they saw a cyst on her ovary (which is how I found out we were having another girl!)...thank GOD for that technology as it prepared me for what could be a bad situation but it turned out ok because at 10 wks old she had the ovary and fallopian tube removed...praise the Lord the cyst was not cancerous AND that she can still have a chance to have babies when she is grown up....I like how your friend Jo worded her thots.....enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!!

Sherrin  – (July 7, 2010 at 10:51 AM)  

Yes, I am always grateful when I hear of people using ultrasound for good purposes. It is important to know, though, that in Australia treating the baby is not the main reason for diagnosing major disabilities. The intention is to offer you the option of having your baby killed. I think people need to be aware of this, which is why I mentioned it. It is also important to know that often diagnosis is inaccurate or incomplete, and unnecessary worry can be is caused.

Karen  – (July 7, 2010 at 1:03 PM)  

Sherrin!! You are looking wonderful! I'm so glad that you are feeling well. How has your back been holding up? Elnathan has gotten so big! I'm so glad that you all are doing well! Blessings to you! <3

Anonymous –   – (July 8, 2010 at 7:54 AM)  

Hi Sherrin,
I'm glad you and baby are well, you look glowing in the photo!
Perhaps some medical practioners have wrong motives in offering a 20 week scan, but I don't think you can tar all the medical profession with the same brush! The individual's intention (check baby, prepare if necessary) outweighs any "advice" that may be offered, as the few above examples have shown. I think we need to continue to promote alternatives to abortion. I especially praise parents of children with disabilities who speak out about their lives, joys and difficulties and especially the value of their children. I know a couple who were offered abortion as their unborn baby had a significant disability, but when they declined, they were offered marvellous medical support throughout the rest of the pregnancy, they temporarily moved to Melbourne for the more specialised hospital and had successful surgery on the little one's badly deformed heart. He still needs ongoing extra care, but his prognosis is good.

Sherrin  – (July 8, 2010 at 2:17 PM)  

Thanks Karen and Jenny! Glad to hear from you!

Jenny, thanks for sharing the positive story of your friend's choice. Yes, we do need to promote abortion alternatives. It seems that mentioning that one of the main reasons for the scan is to offer abortion is a bit controversial?? It shouldn't be. This is not about judging individual motives, it is about soberly realising that the medical system intends to offer abortion, and this is a main reason why they do a scan at this point. Doctors don't operate as free agents within hospital systems! The one exception might be if you are blessed to have a private ob/gyn who has stated his/her opposition to abortion. I am not in that position . . . and in my first pregnancy, I really didn't want to be faced with someone offering to kill my baby for me.

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