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Humble hospitality

If you often have soup for dinner, why not pop over to Deb's post about the effect just a bowl of soup can have. Humble hospitality allows people to welcome others even when they don't have much. Dave has often said that it is better to joyfully serve someone a peanut butter sandwich than to fuss and stress about an elaborate dinner. I don't think I've served guests just soup and bread for dinner yet, but maybe it is time to do so! Hospitality is not about entertaining or impressing, it is about extending love to others and welcoming them into our lives. Read Deb's post and be inspired!

Bron  – (June 22, 2008 at 2:25 PM)  

Absolutely! I've even deliberately served soup when I could have gone to more trouble. I remember when we had our first social get together for a new bible study group and I made up two big pots of soup (I think it was a minestrone and an irish stew). I did it because I wanted to set the tone for how the group saw us relating to them. I wanted to make them feel relaxed, and not set some impossible standard.

Because we live in a very humble flat now, and the people from church are from a much nicer area, I often try to go to a bit of extra effort with food these days so people feel special despite the surroundings.

I guess whatever you do, whatever you make, loving consideration is the first priciple.

Faith  – (June 23, 2008 at 4:08 AM)  

That was great Sherrin:
I actually do serve people soup and bread and it usually ends up being a better time of fellowship because I can pay attention more to my guests and clean-up is so much easier...especially if I use my crock-pot (slow cooker).

Sherrin  – (June 23, 2008 at 10:34 AM)  

Yes, that really sums it up - loving consideration for others. I am encouraged by hearing your experiences of hospitality, Bron.

Hello Faith, it is encouraging to hear what you do when you have people over. I'm thinking of getting a slow cooker at some stage, as I've heard they're very good. What you said about paying attention to guests is what Dave emphasises: he's so much happier if I just sit down and chat rather than hustle about the kitchen like Martha!

I once read a recommendation that you should try and have preparations finished 30 minutes before guests arrive, and never prepare something entirely new for them! I often forget these principles, or they don't work out, but I think they are helpful to keep in mind.

Anonymous –   – (June 23, 2008 at 8:28 PM)  

Hi Sherrin

Soup is great for a social gatherings and you can always serve it with a variety of nice bread and interesting cheeses to make it a bit different and special. I like to make two types of soup when I have people around for a "just soup" meal.

My husband and I are having soup for supper tonight - it is just one of those wonderfully easy meals when you've had a busy day at work.

Cape Town

Sherrin  – (June 24, 2008 at 11:04 AM)  

That is a good idea to include some interesting cheeses.

In Australia "supper" is a biscuit and a hot drink before bed or after an evening meeting, which can lead to some confusion for SA immigrants here! One friend didn't eat dinner before going to a meeting, becuase it was advertised as including supper. She was hungry.

We're having sweet potato and corn soup for dinner tonight!

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