Adorning the gospel
When I think of the book of Titus, I most often think of God’s commands to men and women in the second chapter. This week I’ve begun re-reading Carolyn Mahaney’s excellent book on biblical womanhood, Feminine Appeal: Seven Virtues of a Godly Wife and Mother. Carolyn reminds readers to pursue God’s plan because of the gospel. The reason we seek to obey God is so “that the word of God may not be blasphemed” (Titus 2:5). Our lives should reflect the transformation the gospel has made to us.
As Mrs. Mahaney puts it:“Consider the loveliness of a woman who passionately adores her husband, who tenderly cherishes her children, who creates a warm and peaceful home, who exemplifies purity, self-control, and kindness in her character and who gladly submits to her husband’s leadership – for all the days God grants her life. I dare say that there are few things that display the gospel jewel with greater elegance.”
These are special words to remember next time you’re . . .facing a huge pile of dirty dishes, and your husband isn't helping . . .
chasing after a naughty child . . .
or just plain grumpy.
Keep on living out the gospel.
For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another. But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us. Titus 3: 1 – 5.
Dear sister,
I saw your guest post on the Biblical Womanhood site today. It really ministered to me, particularly because I also have back problems. I was telling the Lord today how weak I was feeling, being reminded that I really am made of dust. But reading about your morning routine was encouraging to me. I just wanted to tell you thank you, and that I will likely be stopping by your blog frequently from now on. I am always excited by other women who love God and love their hubbies.
I also enjoyed Feminine Appeal. My favorite thing about that book was the author's focus on the grace aspect of being a wife, mom, etc. We simply cannot love our God, serve our hubbies, and keep our homes in our own strength; we must rely upon the One who is able to make us "mount up with wings as eagles." Praise Him for the encouragement He has given me through you today!
I came across your blog and have only read the first post but wanted to thank you for putting the quote by Mrs. sure hits the spot for me. Thanks for sharing.
Be Blessed
I will have to get this book! I've been looking for something like it for a while now.
I just had to come over from Crystals... I lived in Tassie too! I grew up there until I as nine, and then moved away. I came back when I was 16, met my future husband, and then we moved to Darwin. I'd love to chat some more *smile*
Hello Sarah,
thanks so much for dropping by and being an encouragement. It is so easy to feel frustrated when we cannot do all we would like to do or imagine we should be able to do. It is a help to remember that God is glorified in our weakness, even physical weakness. I often forget this, and I'm grateful for your reminder of it today! I haven't written much on this blog about suffering/pain, but there is more on my old blog under the theme of suffering.
Yes, I love the same thing about Feminine Appeal! She does not present a whole lot of to-do lists, but rather gives readers biblical encouragement and leads them to the One who can help them change. The whole book is very gospel focused.
Hello Joyfully his and Jen . . .
Thanks for your encouragement as well!
I'm so glad that I've been able to bless you in a small way today..
Jen, what a contrast! Tasmania to Darwin . . . worlds apart! I look forward to chatting more in future :)