One step closer to a Diploma
Last night I finished my final assignment for the Diploma of Education subject I studied this trimester. Now I only have three more subjects to go before I'm finished! It should be all done by the end of November. I am studying Primary teaching. For my major Developmental Psychology for Teachers assignment I made a PowerPoint presentation for parents of children entering Prep (first year of full time schooling). I also wrote a 2,500 word essay on the theory behind the presentation.
While putting together the presentation, I enjoyed using google image to search for pictures to compliment what I wrote. Here are some of the images I came up with . . .
I used this cartoon for a whole slide, to add a little humour to the presentation! It comes from
Congrats on being another step closer to being done with your schooling!
And I love these pics especially the little girl with the paint on her hands..reminds me of my oldest!