I have a confession to make
This month I have received the gift of an amazing new desk that really fits the printer, computer, books, and scrapbooking projects on it, as well as my slope board for reading. Amazing! Friends decided it was too big for them, and we think it is just the right size for us right now.
I have taken lots of photos of the view from our study.
I have observed Mum and Dad's amazing new glass house.
We have had Shellyanne and Phil Ninness for dinner.
We have sampled our bottled beetroot and discovered that it didn't need quite so much sugar!I have finished my Developmental Psychology for Teachers final assignment.
I have also done lots of other things, like hosting Bruce Colman of Choices of Life for a week, and participating in his training to do pro-life school presentations.
But I haven't written my testimony or asked others to write theirs for my blog. I'm sorry for presumptuously saying that I would do this for my Great Commission week this month. I hope that it will happen another time, but I'm not going to make a deadline! Even though I haven't written about it yet, I'm still deeply grateful for God's saving work in my life. Lets keep praying that others will know this same joy.
Congratulations! on both finishing your course and on the beautiful new desk! :-)
The view from your study is lovely!