On the way
Our journey on the wedding afternoon began in my Dad's car with my sister and niece. Dad seemed to like the tradition of it all: the fact that I had photos with the bridesmaids on the family driveway and then travelled from my childhood home to my wedding.
We drove to a friend's farm near the wedding venue so that he could drive us the rest of the way (about 5 mins) in his Dad's vintage car. Here we are at Mr. Andy Griggs' farm, geting comfortable in the car. It was a cool winters day, so I borrowed my sister's coat. It would have been too slow to travel in this car all the way from my parents' house.
It was great to have friends involved, rather than professionals. We had not planned to have fancy cars, until Andy offfered them to us. I really enjoyed travelling in the old car, despite the wind ruffling my hair do a lot! As we drove, I felt so happy that I nearly cried!
I had another close-to-tears moment as I stepped in the door of the church. The wonder of the fact that God had brought us to this point and I was really about to marry the man I loved was nearly overwhelming.On the steps of the church we placed pots of daffodils white tulle around them.