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iSonto #64

We have had lots of good times with the "I See Sam" books available for free download from

You can print them out and colour them in and most importantly, read them!

We are really pleased with Nate's reading progress so far this year.

Our schooling was a bit more challenging to get to when road works visited our cul-de-sac for nearly an entire week! "Dozy" (Bill's word for the digger), and compacter that jumped up and down on the soil, and the vibrator to smooth the soil were all much more interesting than the school books!

Bill has begun to use chalks. So sweet!

We had a fun family apple harvesting time.

It is surprising how much fruit our little tress can give. We have dwarf and espailier trees. There are lots of apples still ripening on the other trees!

Dave took the two older children on a road trip to see the steam fest at Sheffield.

More thankful moments:

  • Cuddling with Bill as he excitedly and loudly names words in picture books. 
  • His satisfied nuzzle when I acknowledge his contributions!
  • Reading books to all three children together
  • A chance to tidy the garden on a warm afternoon under the expanse of the sky
  • Reading 50 Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die for Easter
  • Reading The Wilderness Family aloud with Dave
  • Phone to keep in touch 

Faith  – (March 9, 2015 at 6:22 AM)  

so good to see your children doing well and learning/reading!! Thank you for your nice comment on my blog. You are harvesting apples and we are still buried in snow here in the Great Northeast of the USA. but..spring is ALMOST here!! and today, this gorgeous Sabbath day, we have full sun!!

Deb  – (March 10, 2015 at 1:11 AM)  

Sherrin, it's true that all you have to do is blink, and your children grow up! It seems just yesterday when I knew you and you weren't married! And now, look at your little ones growing like weeds! Amazing. I love seeing all that y'all are up to. (I think I would have been one of the kids looking at all that commotion going on in your street, too! :) )

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