I've enjoyed reading over Mel's responses to my final questions, which make up part three of this interview series. Mel focuses on heart issues. These are more important to creating a joyful home learning environment than the specifics of curriculum and schedule. I hope you enjoy the couple of silly questions I've chucked in at the end as well! How many pairs of shoes do
you own?
Is there a home education track you wish you'd never gone down (perhaps a curriculum or way of structuring your day)?We have used the same curriculum for our time home schooling and are very pleased with our choice. Since our first baby we have had a routine. That has grown and changed as our family has. We had our first 4 children in 5 years, so a routine was the only way I could get anything at all accomplished! The track I wish I had not gone down is that of having expectations that are too high/unrealistic for our family and for our season of life. I regret second guessing the choices the LORD has led us to in our homeschooling walk, because of the comparison that can easily be made of our family and children. Everyone thinks the way and style they have chosen in homeschooling is the best, otherwise they wouldn’t be doing it, but the way we share that information can portray to others that the choices they have made are wrong. Books, CDs and DVD’s on homeschooling are great, but the information/ideals presented can inadvertently set us up with an unrealistic idea of what the daily walk of homeschooling life is really like.
What are the key elements of creating a home where joyful learning can happen easily?Regardless of the style or curriculum, a key element of joyful learning is a home free from parental anger and bitterness. If these negative characteristsics marr our instruction and interactions with our children it is poison to those precious relationships and robs the home of joy and peace. It also greatly hinders capturing the hearts of our children. The bible says learning increases by kind instruction. This doesn’t always come naturally and is not an easy call to live daily and consistently.
Encouragement is another key to joyful learning. Our children will not excel in every area nor will they be good at all the things they try, like, are interested in, or things their siblings and friends can do really well. Encourage them in the gifts, talents and abilities that the LORD has blessed them with and remind them that it is fine for us all to be different. There is one body, but many parts….just as the LORD himself has made it.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?I did laugh, at this question as I do happen to have a bit of a thing for shoes - have you been speaking to my husband? I haven’t gone downstairs to my shoe box to count, but to hazard a guess I would say about 15-20 pairs would be down there!! Shoes just make the entire outfit that much better!!
If we invited you over for dinner, is there anything we really shouldn't serve you?Not big fans of seafood or pork. We try to eat wheat and sugar free as much as is possible, but receive all things with thanksgiving!