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A new blog plan

With baby coming soon, I've decided to shift to blogging on Monday and/or Tuesday each week rather than in the last week of each month. I'll be starting this next week.

I am also seeking to ask myself three main questions:

Does this glorify God?
Does this bless/help/edify those who read?
Am I writing this for myself (to get it off my chest, engage with others on a particular topic, let people know I think about more than babies, etc.) or for those who read it?

God has shown me that too often I've written primarily for myself. I've always sought to avoid blog "rants", and rather to give reasons for what I believe and to attempt to present my views (especially those that are controversial) in a thoughtful manner. However, God has shown me that I have still had inappropriate motives at times. I am not yet sure what this will mean for "A Deeper Love". One thing I hope to do is to refer readers more to resources (books, blog posts, talks) that may be helpful to them. I'd appreciate prayers as I seek to blog solely for God's glory and the good of those who read.

Rebecca Matheson  – (May 1, 2009 at 9:57 PM)  

Hi Sherrin,

Congratulations for your baby on the way (If I haven't said so already!)

It's interesting the whole rant/write thing. I think there is sometimes an issue in writing to rant and certainly the story is different in a public space (like a blog) than in private, but I think that in writing, self expression isn't necessarily worse or anything less Godly than writing for others. I think that God loves our creativity and the expression of that can take all kinds of forms. Don't squash the personal expression for the sake of being worried about inappropriate motives. Be discerning certainly, but don't limit the space. God shows up in some mighty clever ways sometimes :)

Laura  – (May 2, 2009 at 8:45 AM)  

Hi Sherrin! I've been hoping that you'd update more often as the baby's "arrival window" draws near!

I'll certainly be praying for wisdom as you ponder the future of your blog. I'd love to see links to resources and talks -- I think those kinds of things often offer a lot of insight into the blogger's views even without a lot of commentary.

I do hope you continue with your normal posts -- I find them very encouraging and thought-provoking.

Blessings on you, Dave, and baby! :)

Sherrin  – (May 2, 2009 at 5:32 PM)  

Hello Rebecca,

I agree that creativity and self-expression can be glorifying to God, especially in the right context. Self-expression is also not necessarily in conflict with being a blessing to those who read. Personally, though, I feel I need much more of a focus on God's glory and the good of others. This is particularly in the context of a blog - I do also have a journal, which I write in less often, but would be a more appropriate spot if I'm writing primarily for "me". This is going to be a topic-by-topic choice for me, and a learning process, and I'll be relying on the Holy Spirit to show me what is best.

Hello Laura,

Thanks for your encouragement!

I am looking forward to sharing more of the books/websites that have been a blessing in my life, and may be a blessing to others.

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