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Mercy's Second Birthday

Here is our little birthday girl! We had a joyful party with family members including photos amongst the flowers, a butterfly cake, present opening, prayers for birthday girl, and writing in the birthday book.

It has been a lovely opportunity to reflect on what God has done for us in the past two years of Mercy's life and to keep trusting Him as we leave her baby days behind. Amongst other things, this year we are thankful that Mercy has . . .
  • Developed great language skills, talking in whole sentences, praying, telling stories and pretending with toys.
  • Loved to sing, and surprised us with her ability to pick up songs quickly, including "Jesus Loves Me" and "Twinkle Twinkle". 
  • Delighted in having a brother to chase and wrestle and join in play.
  • Got all but six of her teeth meaning that surely the end of all the teething pain is in sight?!
  • Been very affectionate and generous with her hugs and kisses.
  • Learned polite phrases and to greet people.
  • Learned her colours and enjoyed practicing counting.
We have much to look forward to in Mercy's life as we remember that God's mercy is from generation to generation.

Deb  – (November 26, 2012 at 9:02 AM)  

A special Happy Birthday wish for Mercy! It sounds like a delightful list of all the ways she's grown!

Anonymous –   – (January 7, 2013 at 7:52 PM)  

Hoping you are safe from the bushfires. Praying for you all. Glenys Hicks

Homemanager  – (February 13, 2013 at 12:42 PM)  

Hello Dear Sherrin!
I hope you are doing well! your little ones are so precious!

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