iSonto #19
>> Sunday, December 11, 2011 –
Mercy was happy to play in the sand when we went out for dinner to celebrate Dave's promotion to permanent employment.

We thought it might be warm enough to eat outside but soon enough that Tassie biting wind caused us to go inside!
Before dinner we had a lovely play on the beach.
Elnathan was very cute playing cubbies under a blanket with the toys. We had fun practicing our greetings as the toys knocked on the door and "met" the other toys! It is lovely that the he is old enough to begin to pretend like this.
Natey's memory verse was Proverbs 25:28 "Whoever has no control over his own spirit is like a city broken down without walls", perfect for small boys (and Mummies) who have trouble controlling their emotions!
From garden to tummies . . .
We enjoyed fresh snap peas often this week, the sweet fruit of perseverance as I had to plant them multiple times to get this crop. They were killed in various ways and I had to replant.
A book we enjoyed together was "Frank the Farmer", which was asked for again and again.
Encouragement, ideas and inspiration came from Enjoying the Simplicity of Staying Home, an antidote to feeling guilty about not going here and there. There is so much good to be done out and about . . . but often the "good works" God has called us to do right now are simply in front of us at home.
We are thankful for the rosellas who visited neighbouring trees,a neater yard with Dave's new brush cutter, a lovely big bookshelf for Nate's room, the piano moved to the living room so we can enjoy it more, and a chance to plant seeds.
Isonto is a Zulu word for both week and Sunday, so Dave suggested it as the title of this little update I plan (God willing) to put out each Sunday.
The day at the beach looks lovely! and isn't it fun to watch toddlers begin to engage in pretend play?? and good life skills can be taught during those times...i LOVE the sound of that book you are reading....the simplicity of staying home. So true....sometimes, we have to just be home....I am counting the days until my college gal is home with us for the holidays....(6 more days!!!!). Happy Christmas Sherrin to you and your family...
Hi Dave and Sherrin. Great to read that you have been upgraded to permanent employee Dave! That is such good news for you all! Hope it is not too cold in Tassie. Lv Gayle and the Moore fam