Planning my priorities
Those of you who are familiar with Biblical Womanhood blog will know that Crystal is into planning. Due to her cyber-influence, I made up my own planning method. Rather than having daily goals, I only have a weekly goal chart. I write out goals in specific areas:
- Seeking God - praise, prayer, and Bible
- Study and skill development - education, household, and other
- Loving others
- Homemaking and personal

As each goal is completed, I colour it in, which gives a sense of achievement!

I have found that this chart helps me to think about my most important life priorities right now. It helps to turn good thoughts or intentions into actions. I've learnt more hymns since beginning this than I have for years!
I keep the sheet in a plastic sleeve except when I'm writing a new goal or colouring a completed one. If it doesn't seem like I'll have time to complete an idea/request this week, I write in the "next week?" section at the bottom. You'll also notice all the blank space on my chart - at times I even cross out part of one section if I absolutely have to focus on other goals that week.
At the bottom there are two "big questions" from Crystal's blog:
Does this glorify God and honour my husband?
Will this matter in eternity?
I don't always know the answers, but just asking the questions helps keep things in perspective.
Thanks Faith!