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Terrific Toddlers by Mel Hayde

Terrific Toddlers: or Tantrum Free Two's - Almost! was given to us when Elnathan was born. Since then I have read it twice! Mel Hayde gives guidance about postive parenting and putting together a flexible routine. The idea is to control the toddler's day to give minimal opportunity for misbehaviour. It is also important to have clean positive and negative consequences. There are two chapters on suggested toddler activities.

Since reading this book a second time I have made a lot of effort to encourage and build up my son. At first I wondered if "positive parenting", focusing on the positives in the child and praising him/her, had any biblical basis. Then I thought of the many Bible verses about encouraging one another. Surely these apply to parenting as well? Correction comes easily, but it is important to also praise progress.

Mel's style is simple and the chapters are short. The vision she presents of enjoying orderly days with your toddler is very encouraging. Every time I pick up this book I find inspiration to continue to pursue this goal, despite setbacks and challenges and tantrums! I want to enjoy these precious days with tiny ones !

You can purchase the book from the Terrific Toddlers websiste. While researching this blog post, I also discovered that Mel Hayde has a blog called Terrific Toddlers and other terrific bits.

Mel –   – (February 4, 2011 at 8:57 AM)  

Hi Sherrin
That book is really good, I used it alot next to my bible when we had just toddlers. I get so much done with a routine in place at home & it helps to get things done decently & in order! You sound as though things are going along well with your 2 little ones - God bless Mel Gaebler

Bron  – (February 4, 2011 at 1:10 PM)  

That sounds like a good book. Does she have any advice on managing toddler + new baby?

Sherrin  – (February 4, 2011 at 3:23 PM)  

Thanks for your encouragement, Mel.

Yes, Bron, she advocates BabyWise and using a flexible schedule. She doesn't go into any detail about the specifics though. I have a flexible schedule (although more flexible than Babywise and without the expectation that baby will sleep through at a certain time). I have found this helpful as I plan for Elnathan to have room time, nap time, DVD time, etc. while I am feeding. This makes life much calmer! I am praying you will make a smooth transition to life with two :).

Bron  – (February 5, 2011 at 10:55 PM)  

Thanks Sherrin, I appreciate it :)

Anna  – (February 18, 2011 at 2:15 AM)  

Thanks for the review. I was wondering the same thing. Is praise appropriate? I guess I wonder about it more since nonbelievers push a "praise only" method of teaching children. However, after thinking and looking into it and hearing from different people, I've come to the same conclusion as you. I did hear from someone that you want to give your children encouragement so that they continue to feel comfortable to come to you for advice instead of hiding away being worried about what you will say. I'll have to put this book on my wish list. :) Thank you!

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