iSonto #30
>> Sunday, March 18, 2012 –
courtship matters,
fun times,
This week we are thankful for the . . .
* Fun engagement anniversary trip we took to the foreshore at Howden where Dave proposed. We ate strawberries and cream on the rock where we sat all those years ago chatting about all kinds of things during our courting days!
* Squirmy, messy children playing on the shore where I used to play as a child! Dave and I used to talk about our "hypothetical children", who are now thankfully very real.

* Easel set up outdoors, painting on it for the first time. Prior to this all our painting has been done at the dining table, which is easier to contain.
Elnathan had an imagination in over-drive this week. His imaginary friends little bear, whale, octopus, duck, and more came to visit us and went in the car and all sorts of things!
Natey's memory verse was "Let the peace of God rule in your hearts" from Colossians 3:15.
Mercy was delightful when we took them to the beach on Sunday after church.
From garden to tummies . . . corn, tomatoes, basil, oregano, capsicum, eggs, zucchini, potatoes, and more! I had to feel blessed when I was able to dig a few potatoes up just before boiling them for a potato salad.
what a wonderful week you have had ! I love seeing the pics of your wee ones...they are growing so fast...and what a great Scripture for little Natey!! I used to love it when my girls painted outdoors....less messy! and beach days are still fun even at ages 13 and 18 :) God bless you this week, Sherrin!