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iSonto #3

Elnathan was thrilled when I got the easel out. He has drawn more than ever before. He often begs us to draw something as well. What a difference four or five months makes! When I last had this out he just tried to climb into the middle of it!

Natey's memory verse was "Do all things without complaining or disputing" Philippians 2: 14. We didn't have to work very hard on this as we have been saying it for a long time now!!
Mercy was very pretty in a dress her great grandma Thelma knitted for Sherrin!

From garden to tummies . . .

When I wanted to pull the remaining broccoli off a plant in order to give the leaves to the chooks, I found Natey's little bowl handy. I filled it up. He soon found it and said "Natey have lunch" and proceeded to eat lots of raw broccoli!! 

A book we enjoyed together was Blessings Every Day: 365 Simple Devotions for the Very Young. Elnathan had a great interest in the illustrations of children doing lots of different things, especially the picture of a boy playing hide and seek with his tummy showing. "Please look at boy got a tummy" was a frequent request, and this book was carried from room to room!

Encouragement, ideas and inspiration came from The Valley of Vision: a collection of Puritan prayers and devotions. Here is an excerpt from "The Convicting Spirit". 

Make me willing to be saved in this way,
perceiving nothing in myself, but all in Jusus:
Help me not only to receive him but
to walk in him,
depend on him,
commune with him,
be conformed to him,
follow him,
imperfect, but still pressing forward,
not complaining of labour, but valuing rest,
not murmuring under trials, but thankful for my state.
Give me that faith which is the means of salvation,
and th eprinciple and medium of all godliness;
May I be saved by grace through faith,
live by faith,
feel the joy of faith,
do the work of faith,
Perceiving nothing in myself, may I find in Christ
wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, redemption.

We are thankful for the  privilege of caring for our own little plot of land and our children.

Isonto is a Zulu word for both week and Sunday, so Dave suggested it as the title of this little update I plan (God willing) to put out each Sunday.

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