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Little Lord Fauntleroy DVD

On Friday we loved watching Little Lord Fauntleroy, which we borrowed from our local library. This movie is based upon the novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Cedric Errol (Little Lord Fauntleroy) is left the only heir to the title of Earl of Dorincourt after the death of his father and uncles. Cedric lives in the USA as his mother is American. His grandfather, the current Earl, hates Americans and Mrs Errol in particular.  Earl Dorincourt's son married Mrs Errol against his will and he has not forgiven this offense. The Earl sends his lawyer to America to ask that Cedric come to live with him, on the condition that Mrs Errol lives nearby but separately. As the story progresses Cedric conveys unconditional love and positive regard to the grumpy old man. As a result, the heart of the Earl is transformed.

The last scene of Little Lord Fauntleroy is a Christmas dinner, so it is particularly appropriate for this time of year. It is a good movie for children, as the main character is an exemplary child. As we were watching, Dave said "I want Natey to be like him"! The movie also presents many themes that would be worthy of discussion. These include the political structures of England and the United States, poverty relief, the responsibilities of the rich, the value of holding one's tongue and choosing not to speak ill of people, the importance of forgiveness, and the wonder of unconditional love.

One problem with the film is that it may give the impression that people can be transformed without Christ. Little Lord Fauntleroy seems too perfect to be true, and he is. Only one child, Jesus, has truly held the transforming power of unconditional love. Children, like adults, need to remember that they cannot transform the lives of others on their own. They can, however, point to the one who came into this world as a perfect child and whose birth we celebrate with joy. Human love provides a shadow of the unconditional love that led our Heavenly Father to give his precious son.

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