iSonto #37
>> Sunday, June 24, 2012 –
Loving children,
This week we are thankful for the way my bag of scrap cloth from sewing projects was transformed into roads and scrap metal and countless other things!
Elnathan was eager to travel all over the house with his suitcase filled with "clothes" and other fun inventions from scrap cloth.
Natey's memory verse was Psalm 1, starting with "Blessed is the man who walks not in the way of the ungodly".
Mercy was all dressed up in her cape inherited from Mummy and knitted by Great Nanna. It has been very chilly! She has been giving us things and saying "here you go". Whenever she gets up and Nate is in bed she calls out "boy, boy, boy".
From garden to tummies . . . Remarkably, we are still eating our own tomatoes, ripening on our counter. We have also had lots of greens and are finishing off our potatoes.
A book we enjoyed together was Richard Scarry's "What Do People Do All Day" which was read and re-read until we returned it to the library.

Encouragement, ideas and inspiration came from loving little ones, sermons from Douglas Wilson.
One funny moment was wrestling matches the two children had. Read more...